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Welcome to the NPHS School Counselor's Office Page


Counselors Office Phone - 330-364-0667

Counselors Office Fax - 330-364-0741


2024 - 2025

Mrs. Ames - School Counselor

9th Grade & 10th Grade




 Mrs. Swinderman - School Counselor

11th Grade & 12th Grade 




STUDENTS:  If you would like to discuss your schedule or have any other concerns, please complete the form using the link below.

** Please be patient, we will call for you as soon as time allows. Please also remember to check your email frequently for issues that can be resolved 

via email instead of face to face meeting. 

Thank you!

Appointment Form


CCP INFORMATIONPlease use the following link for important information to help students and families regarding CCP at Kent State University/Tuscarawas.

CCP intent and info form.pdf


Transcript Request  (Past & Present Students

Please click here for the "Transcript Request Form", once it's filled out complete, please submit to the Guidance office using the options listed.  

If you are a current Junior or Senior, please fully complete the request form for "Currently Enrolled Students", submit & visit your School Counselor.  Mrs. Swinderman has Junior/Senior Class and Mrs. Ames has Freshman/Sophomore Class. 


Work Permits 

Students that are planning to work a part-time job should complete a work permit application.  

Please stop by the New Philadelphia City Schools Administrative building located at 248 Front Street N.W. to obtain your application.  

If you have any questions, Please call: 330-364-0600.


NCAA Guidelines

All student athletes wishing to compete in Division I or II athletics during their freshman year in college must register with the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse during their junior or senior year of high school. Registration should be done on-line at 

Mrs. Swinderman (330-365-4036) is also available to help students and parents with this process.  It is the student's responsibility to schedule appropriate classes in order to maintain athletic eligibility and to pass those classes.  Also, please fill out a transcript request form to release your grades and scores to college athletic departments and return it to the Guidance Office.  College entrance test scores should be sent to the college or university directly from the testing company.   

For more information about the NCAA requirements please see the link below.