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Principal's Message


Dear NPHS Parents, Guardians, and Students, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! It is my sincere hope that you were able to find adventure, excitement, and relaxation over the summer months. The ability to refresh and recharge during the summer break is critical for students and their families to embrace a productive and successful school year.  

As always, New Philadelphia High School will continue to strive for academic excellence and social competence to help your child meet the demands of the ever-changing 21st Century. Beyond the rigors of academics, it’s our goal to instill within each student the essential qualities of responsibility, respect, and safety so that they can become positive and productive members of our great New Philadelphia Quaker Community! 

For the returning families, the entire NPHS faculty looks forward to continuing to build positive relationships with you and your child. To the incoming class of 2028, I’m excited to welcome you to high school! We are all here to support your child in transitioning to an amazing high school!  I will ensure that our High School TEAM (800 students, 1500 plus parents, guardians, and grandparents and 85 staff members) provides the most student-centered opportunities possible for our students in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Welcome back Quakers to the 2024-25 school year! 


Ryan Range 
