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Military Family Resources

Supporting Ohio's Military Families
Approximately 35,000 students in Ohio are members of military families. Frequent moves and family separations through deployments, as well as reintegration issues make life especially challenging. Ohio offers a number of programs to assist military families.

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)
The Military Child Education Coalition’s work is focused on ensuring quality educational opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation and transition.

March2Success provides an online study program to help students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials. They also provide tools for educators and parents to track and encourage their students.

Free Tutoring and Homework Help for Military Children
Online tutoring and homework help for U.S. military and their families provided 24/7 at no cost by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.

Through the Interstate Compact, MIC3 addresses key educational transition issues encountered by children of military families.


New Philadelphia High School Military Liaison

Mr. Joshua Jarvis

Assistant Principal, New Philadelphia High School
